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March 1, 2022

Bowman and Brooke Reelects Austin Leadership

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Bowman and Brooke LLP is proud to announce that Mary R. Pawelek has been reelected as Firm Vice Chair and Executive Managing Partner. Additionally, Randall L. Christian has been reelected as Managing Partner, and John D. Garrett reelected as Co-Managing Partner of Bowman and Brooke, Austin. The firm is also excited to announce additions to the team.

Mary R. Pawelek, Firm Vice Chair and Executive Managing Partner, focuses her practice on defending global pharmaceutical manufacturers in mass tort litigation. She has extensive experience in pharmaceutical mass tort litigation organization and administration, particularly in developing corporate defense strategies and evaluating complex medical, legal, and scientific matters, including discovery issues.

Randall L. Christian, Managing Partner, is an established pharmaceutical trial attorney who defends pharmaceutical and medical device manufacturers throughout the United States. He is, and has been, trial counsel for pharmaceutical and medical device cases in 12 different states. Randy also serves as co-leader of the firm’s Medical Device and Pharmaceutical practice group. 

John D. Garrett, Co-Managing Partner, concentrates his practice on product liability litigation within the life sciences industries. He focuses on the efficient and strategic management of cases through trial for national medical device and pharmaceutical manufacturers in individual and coordinated proceedings. John is also the co-leader of the firm’s Chemical and Environmental practice group. 

Melissa K. Ferrell, Senior Counsel, brings more than 25 years of experience representing clients in product liability matters. She has held roles as regional and national counsel for international product manufacturers and has extensive experience in mass tort and asbestos litigation. Melissa has worked closely with doctors and other experts to develop aggressive defense strategies. 

Patrick L. DeLaune, Of Counsel, previously with the firm from 2011-2014, returns to Bowman and Brooke and will continue to assist clients in product liability litigation. He has thorough experience with appellate briefs, interlocutory appeals, mandamus pleadings, Daubert, pre-trial and post-verdict motions, trial pleadings, and depositions of opposing fact and expert witnesses.


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