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Februray 23, 2024

Two Bowman and Brooke Attorneys Join LCLD’s 2024 Fellow and Pathfinder Program

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Bowman and Brooke LLP is proud to announce that associates Sunny Rehsi and Matin Fallahi have been selected to join the Leadership Council on Legal Diversity's (LCLD) prestigious Fellow and Pathfinders program. Sunny is a cross-border attorney focusing his practice on automotive product liability and commercial litigation and Matin focuses her practice on complex automotive product liability. Sunny will serve as the firm's LCLD Fellow and Matin as Pathfinders for 2024.

The seven-month Pathfinder program provides participants from LCLD Member organizations with the opportunity to learn from top leaders in the legal profession as well as career development experts and is designed to connect and train high-potential, early-career attorneys from diverse backgrounds with foundational leadership skills and relationship-building resources.

Pathfinders are selected by the leaders at LCLD Member corporations and law firms, having been identified as early-career emerging leaders in their own right who have distinguished—or have the potential to distinguish—themselves within their organizations. For more information on LCLD and the Pathfinder Program, visit

Congratulations to Sunny and Matin on this accomplishment.


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